Photo by Lukas Mayer from Pexels |
The keyboard is a fundamental input device that is always - I stand corrected - present in devices in different forms; keypads in feature phones, virtual keyboard in touchscreen phones, mechanical keyboards on desktop computers, et cetera.
The keyboard is the piece of computer hardware used to input text, characters, and other commands into a computer or similar device. -- Lifewire
I'm going to focus on the Swiftkey Keyboard because of its rich array of features that're still being worth my while; it's available on both Google Play Store and Apple App Store for the Android and iPad, iPhone devices respectively. Windows 10 also has support. Its features catalogue is versatile there's a website documenting how to use it: How to use the SwiftKey Keyboard; SwiftKey Support.
SwiftKey was developed by TouchType (a subsidiary of Microsoft Corporation) in 2010 for Android and around 2014 for iOS when Apple decided to allow third-party keyboards in the App Store. It proclaims the availability of over 500+ languages (the app is continually updated to include more), though you are only enabled to switch between 5 at any one moment; you can replace one of those if you want more.
Clipboard: SwiftKey provides a clipboard which temporarily saves text you've copied for an hour, although this can be extended by pinning the text on the clipboard.
Languages: you can easily switch between a maximum of five languages at a time to type in the preferred dialect. I've especially liked SwiftKey for the availability of accents; if you're typing in Arabic, French, Hausa, whatever it may be, SwiftKey allows you to really speak in the language and more languages are getting integrated with every update. From fatḥah, kasrah, Ḍammah, alif khanjariyah, maddah, sukun, down to tanwin (ـِ, ـُ, ــٰ, ـٓ, ـٌ ـٍ ـً,ًًًًٌٌٍٍٍـَ,ـْ); from accent aiguu, accent circumflex/circonflexe, accent grave, cedilla to diaraesis/tréma; from ɓ, ɗ, to ƙ you don't have to use numbers like 6, 3, 7 while typing to make out some meaning. Just type in the language.
Settings: here lie all customization options waiting for you to tweak as you deem fit. There's thumb/split-keyboard mode, one-handed mode, docked/undocked keyboard layouts, sound & vibration, resize, and synchronisation options which enables SwiftKey to learn from your SMS, Email and social networks.
Themes: Well, isn't that a feature people are always on the lookout for? SwiftKey offers a multitude of themes to choose from, and you can even apply a customized one, maybe with your photo or something.
Translation: Yup! You got that right. Translation. With the myriad languages SwiftKey supports, 'tis no wonder this keyboard enables you to translate between these languages. While typing a message on Fb/Messenger/Telegram/WhatsApp, for example, you can type some word(s) on the keyboard and get the translated copy on your message box, ready to send. This is possible through the Bing Translator, courtesy of Microsoft. How good can it be?
Typing: with SwiftKey, you have possible of option of typing by tapping keys and/or suggestions; swiping across keys to make out words; using voice option provided by virtual assistant that is as attentive as your mic and accent are acute; using personalized gestures. You can type fast with this keyboard because of the personalized predictions int works with, where previously typed words and even sentences are suggested by an algorithm as you type; words that have emoji alter egos trigger emoji suggestions, where typing name of a country, vehicle, emotion, etc. can give an emoji recommendation.
French accents and the Cedilla
Download SwiftKey The Smart Keyboard and Get More Done | SwiftKey
How to use the SwiftKey Keyboard
SwiftKey - Wikipedia
What languages are currently supported for SwiftKey Keyboard on Android? - SwiftKey Support
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